Non-equilibrium Systems
"Data-driven Coarse-grained Modeling of Non-equilibrium Systems"
Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/D1SM00413A (2021)

"Transfer Learning of Memory Kernels for Transferable Coarse-graining of Polymer Dynamics" Soft Matter, 17, 5864-5877 (2021)

Coarse-Grained Modeling
Soft matter 15.38 (2019): 7567-7582. Back cover.
Soft Matter, 16, 8330-8344 (2020). Front cover.

Modeling Heat Transfer
Natural convection and heat transfer in the presence of cracks/fractures by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Peridynamics

FSI Modeling
Fluid-solid interactions with arbitrary-shaped solids, modeled by high-order, adaptive, meshless method
CMAME, 355, 67-93 (2019)

FSI Modeling
Fluid-solid interactions modeled by consistent, adaptive-resolution SPH
CMAME, 347, 402-424(2019)

FSI Modeling
Fluid-solid interactions modeled by consistent, multi-resolution SPH
CMAME, 324, 278-299 (2017)

Liquid Crystal
Ordered structure of ellipsoidal colloids
Journal of Computational Physics 336, 481–491 (2017)

Energy Storage, Battery
Li2O2 growth in the porous electrode during discharge in Li-O2 battery
J. Electrochem. Soc., 2017
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015

Red Blood Cells
Flow dynamics and aggregation of red blood cells
PNAS, 108 (2011)
Microvascular Research, 82 (2011)
Soft Matter, 6 (2010)

Friction Stir Welding
Friction stir welding on magnesium alloy
International Journal of Plasticity, 48:189-204, (2013)

Multiphase Flow
Liquid drop flowing through a fracture junction
Journal of Chemical Physics,134 (20), 204114 (2011)