Refereed Journal Papers & Book Chapters
51. Ye, Z.; Pan, W.* “DVTopMultiCuts: A Fast Discrete Variable Topology Optimization Solver via a Multi-cuts Approach“, Journal of Open Source Software, submitted.
50. Ye, Z.; Pan, W.* “Discrete Variable Topology Optimization Using Multi-Cut Formulation and Adaptive Trust Regions”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 68, 25 (2025). [Link] [PDF]
49. Ma, Z.; Pan, W.* “Shape deformation, disintegration, and coalescence of suspension drops: Efficient simulation enabled by graph neural networks”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, (invited submission), 176, 104845 (2024). [Link]
48. Qian, C.; Stanifer, E.; Ma Z.; Luo, B.; Yao, L.; Liu, C.; Pan, W.; Mao, X.; Chen, Q. “Nanoscale Imaging of Phonon Modes and Reconfiguration in Topologically-Engineered Nanoparticle Lattices”, Nature Materials, under review. arXiv:2403.15627
47. Ye, Z.; Qian, X.; Pan, W.* “Quantum Topology Optimization via Quantum Annealing”, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 4, 1-15 (2023). [Link]
46. Wang, W.; Yang, D.; Ma, Z.; Pan, W.* “Experimental and theoretical study on CHF of a USCFB boiler water-wall tube at near-critical pressures”, Journal of Thermal Science, 32 (1), 166-182 (2023).
45. Ma, Z.; Ye, Z.; Pan, W.* “Fast Simulation of Particulate Suspensions Enabled by Graph Neural Network”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 400, 115496 (2022). [Link]
44. Ye, Z.; Hu, X.; Pan, W.* “A Multigrid Preconditioner for Spatially Adaptive High-order Meshless Method on Fluid-solid Interaction Problems”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 400, 115506 (2022). [Link]
43. Yang, J.; Rubino, V.; Ma, Z.; Tao J.; Yin, Y.; Mcghee, A.; Pan, W.; Franck, C. “Spatiotemporally Adaptive Quadtree mesh (STAQ) Digital Image Correlation for resolving large deformations around complex geometries and discontinuities”, Experimental Mechanics, 62, 1191–1215 (2022). [Link]
42. Li, C.; Hurley, A.; Hu, W.; Warrick, J. W.; Lozano, G.; Ayuso, J. M.; Pan, W.; Handelsman, J.; Beebe, D. J. “Social motility of biofilm-like microcolonies in a gliding bacterium”, Nature Communications, 12: 5700 (2021). [Link][PDF]
41. Wang, S.1; Ma, Z.1; Pan, W.* “Data-driven Coarse-grained Modeling of Non-equilibrium Systems”, Soft Matter, 17, 6404-6412 (2021). (1Equal Contribution) [Link]
40. Ma, Z.; Wang, S.; Kim, M.; Liu, K.; Chen, C.; Pan, W.* “Transfer learning of memory kernels for transferable coarse-graining of polymer dynamics”, Soft Matter, 17, 5864-5877 (2021). Front Cover. [Link] [PDF]
39. Ma, Z.; Pan, W.* “Data-driven nonintrusive reduced order modeling for dynamical systems with moving boundaries using Gaussian process regression”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, 113495 (2021). [Link]
38. Wang, S.; Ma, Z.; Pan, W.* “Data-driven coarse-grained modeling of polymers in solution with structural and dynamic properties conserved”, Soft Matter, 16, 8330-8344 (2020). Front Cover. [Link][PDF]
37. Wang, W.; Yang, D.; Dong, L.; Li, J.; Zhou, X.; Pan, W. “Experimental and numerical study on density wave oscillations of supercritical water in parallel water wall channels of an ultra-supercritical circulating fluidized bed boiler”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 165, 114584 (2020).
36. Wang, S.; Li, Z.; Pan, W.* “Implicit-solvent coarse-grained modeling for polymer solutions via Mori-Zwanzig formalism”, Soft Matter, 15, 7567-7582 (2019). Back Cover. [Link][PDF]
35. Hu, W.; Trask, N.; Hu, X.; Pan, W.* “A spatially adaptive high-order meshless method for fluid-structure interactions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 355, 67-93 (2019). [Link]
34. Wang, J.; Hu, W.; Zhang, X.; Pan, W.* “Modeling Heat Transfer Subject to Inhomogeneous Neumann Boundary Conditions by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Peridynamics”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 139, 948-962 (2019). [Link]
33. Hu, W.; Guo, G.; Hu, X.; Negrut, D.; Xu, Z.; Pan, W.* “A consistent spatially adaptive smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid-structure interactions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 347, 402-424 (2019). [Link]
32. Li, Z.; Pan, W.; Tartakovsky, A. “Particle-based Methods for Mesoscopic Transport Processes”, In: Handbook of Materials Modeling. Volume 2 Applications: Current and Emerging Materials, edited by Wanda Andreoni and Sidney Yip, Springer, 2018.
31. Pan, W.*; Carney, J.; Huang, W.; Sun, X.; Xu, Z.; Fan, Z.; Liu, K. “Device-scale CFD Modeling of Gas-liquid Multiphase Flow and Amine Absorption for CO2 Capture”. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 8 (3), 603-620 (2018).
30. Wei, X.; Pan, W.; Duan, W.; Hollas, A.; Yang, Z.; Li, B.; Nie, Z.; Liu, J.; Reed, D.; Wang, W.; Sprenkle, V. “Materials and Systems for Organic Redox Flow Batteries: Status and Challenges”. ACS Energy Lett., 2, 2187–2204 (2017).
29. Hu, W.; Pan, W.*; Rakhsha, M.; Tian, Q.; Hu, H.; Negrut, D. “A Consistent Multi-Resolution Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 324, 278-299 (2017). [Link]
28. Pan, W.*; Yang, X.; Bao, J.; Wang, M. “Optimizing Discharge Capacity of Li-O2 Batteries by Design of Air-electrode Porous Structure: Multifidelity Modeling and Optimization”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (11), E3499-E3511 (2017). [Link]
27. Wang, C.; Bao, J.; Pan, W.*; Sun, X. “Modeling Electrokinetics in Ionic Liquids”. Electrophoresis, 38 (13-14), 1693-1705 (2017). [Link]
26. Pan, W.*; Kim, K.; Perego, M.; Tartakovsky, A. M.; Parks, M. “Modeling electrokinetic flows by consistent implicit incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics”. Journal of Computational Physics 334, 125–144 (2017). [Link]
25. Deng, M.; Pan, W.*; Karniadakis, G. E. “Anisotropic single-particle dissipative particle dynamics model”. Journal of Computational Physics 336, 481–491 (2017). [Link]
2016 and before
24. C. Lai, Z. Xu, W. Pan, X. Sun, C. Storlie, J. Dietiker, T. Li, and J. Spenik.”Hierarchical Calibration and Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Solid Sorbent-based Carbon Capture”, Powder Technology, 288, 388-406 (2016).
23. W. Pan, M. Daily, N. Baker, “Numerical calculation of protein-ligand binding rates through solution of the Smoluchowski equation using smooth particle hydrodynamics”, BMC Biophysics, 8:7 (2015). [Link]
22. Bao. J, W. Xu, P. Bhattacharya, M. Stewart, J. Zhang and W. Pan*, “Discharge Performance of Li-O2 Batteries Using a Multiscale Modeling Approach”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 14851−14860 (2015). [Link]
21. A. M. Tartakovsky, N. Trask, K. Pan, B. Jones, W. Pan, J. R. Williams, “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications for multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous media”, Computational Geosciences, 1-28 (2015).
20. W. Pan*, J. Bao, A. M. Tartakovsky, “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics continuous boundary force method for Navier-Stokes equations subject to a Robin boundary condition”, Journal of Computational Physics, 259, 242-259 (2014). [Link]
19. J. Kordilla, W. Pan, A. M. Tartakovsky, “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for Landau-Lifshitz-Navier-Stokes and advection-diffusion equations”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 224112 (2014). [Link]
18. M.S. Del-Razo, W. Pan, H. Qian, G. Lin, “Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118 (25), 7037-7046 (2014).
17. A. Sarkar, W. Pan, D. Suh, E. D. Huckaby, X. Sun, “Multiphase flow simulations of a moving fluidized bed regenerator in a carbon capture unit”, Powder Technology, 265, 35-46 (2014).
16. W. Pan*, D. Li, A. M. Tartakovsky, S. Ahzi, M. Khraisheh, M. Khaleel, “A new smoothed particle hydrodynamics non-Newtonian model for friction stir welding: Process modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution in a magnesium alloy”, International Journal of Plasticity, 48, 189-204, (2013). [Link]
15. W. Pan, A. M. Tartakovsky, “Dissipative particle dynamics model for colloid transport in porous media”, Advances in Water Resources, 58, 41-48 (2013). [Link]
14. W. Pan*, A. M. Tartakovsky, J. J. Monaghan, “A smoothed particle hydrodynamics non-Newtonian model for ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics”,Journal of Computational Physics, 242, 828-842 (2013).
13. W. Pan*, J. Bao, C. Lo, K. Lai, K. Agarwal, B. J. Koeppel, M. Khaleel, “A general approach to develop reduced order models for simulation of solid oxide fuel cell stacks”, Journal of Power Sources, 232, 139-151 (2013).
12. W. Pan, A. M. Tartakovsky, J. J. Monaghan, “A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics”, Journal of Glaciology, 58 (207), 216-222 (2012).
11. Z. Xu, A. M. Tartakovsky, W. Pan, “Discrete-element model for the interaction between ocean waves and sea ice”, Physical Review E, 85, 016703 (2012).
10. D. A. Fedosov, W. Pan, B. Caswell, G. Gompper, G. E. Karniadakis, “Predicting human blood viscosity in silico”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (29), 11772-11777 (2011). [Link]
9. W. Pan, D. A. Fedosov, B. Caswell, G. E. Karniadakis, “Predicting dynamics and rheology of blood flow: A Comparison study of multiscale and low-dimensional models of red blood cells”, Microvascular Research,82 (2), 163-170 (2011).
8. M. Arienti, W. Pan, X. Li, G. E. Karniadakis, “Many-body Dissipative Particle Dynamics simulation of liquid/vapor and liquid/solid interactions”, Journal of Chemical Physics,134 (20), 204114 (2011). [Link]
7. D. A. Fedosov, I. V. Pivkin, W. Pan, M. Dao, B. Caswell, G. E. Karniadakis, “Multiscale modeling of Hematologic Disorders”, In: Modeling of Physiological Flows, edited by D. Ambrosi, A. Quarteroni, G. Rozza, Springer, 2011.
6. W. Pan, B. Caswell, G. E. Karniadakis, “Rheology, Microstructure and Migration in Brownian Colloidal Suspensions”, Langmuir, 26 (1), 133-142 (2010). [Link]
5. W. Pan, B. Caswell, G. E. Karniadakis, “A low-dimensional model for the red blood cell”, Soft Matter, 6, 4366-4376 (2010).
4. W. Pan, I. V. Pivkin, G. E. Karniadakis,”Single-particle hydrodynamics in DPD: A new formulation”, Europhysics Letters, 84, 10012 (2008). [Link]
3. W. Pan, D. A. Fedosov, B. Caswell, G. E. Karniadakis, “Hydrodynamic Interactions for Single DPD Particles, and their Clusters and Filaments”, Physical Review E, 78, 046706 (2008). [Link]
2. S. CW Tan1, W. Pan1, G. Ma, N. Cai, K. W. Leong, K. Liao, “Viscoelastic behaviour of human mesenchymal stem cells”, BMC Cell Biology, 9,40, (2008). 1 equal contribution
1. W. Tan, W. Pan, M. Xu, “A note on unsteady flows of a viscoelastic fluid with the fractional Maxwell model between two parallel plates”, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 38, 645-650 (2003)